What is God's Big Picture?
God's Big Picture is a bible overview - a book, video course and small group resource that seeks to show how the whole story of the Bible fits together.
Is it really completely free?
Yes! We are really excited about the potential of this resource to transform lives and churches - so we've made the videos, small group resources and leaders notes completely free to download, from this website and from clayton.tv
Where can I use this resource?
Wherever you like! You could use it for personal study at home or on the move, in a small group at church or work, in your Christian union - basically anywhere you've got a screen. We've made the videos downloadable for those of you meeting in places with unreliable internet connection - no-one likes buffering!
Can I purchase a DVD of the course?
Yes! While we don't want to un-emphasise that you can run the course for FREE, we know in some situations a DVD is still a great way to get the videos in front of people.
Who is providing this resource?
The God's Big Picture video course is a partnership between IVP - the UK's leading evangelical publisher; and Clayton.tv - the UK's most comprehensive evangelical video library.
You didn't answer my question! Who can I contact?
If we haven't answered your question, feel free to email us, or contact us through social media.